Can I update my shipping address after placing an order?Updated 4 months ago
Our team works FAST to process all orders as soon as possible, but we'll do what we can to assist you on updating a shipping address. If you need to make a change, contact us immediately via phone, email, or chat with your order number and we'll do our best!
Please keep in mind due to the current high volume of orders and customer service requests occasionally an order will be shipped before the team has a chance to change it. We cannot guarantee a change of order after the order is placed so please review all of your details carefully.
If your order has already shipped, we don't have the ability to update your shipping address.
Depending on your shipping service selected in checkout, you may have the option to edit your delivery address in transit directly with the carrier.
You can manage your UPS delivery with a MyChoice Account:
Or your FedEx delivery with Delivery Manager: