How do I make an exchange?Updated 12 days ago
The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to initiate a return for the item you have and then make a separate purchase for the new item.
If you need to return your furMe™, please email our team with your order name and number, as well as the reason why you would like to return your furMe™. You have 40 days from the fulfillment date to return an item from furMe. Our Customer Service Team will then ask few mandatory questions regarding your return in order to for us to get a better understanding of your experience. Once approved, we will send you return shipping instructions and the address for the return. You will need to purchase a label with a carrier of your choice and attach it to your original packaging before dropping it off with the carrier. Kindly note you are responsible for the return shipping fee. Package refusals or Return to Senders incur a shipping fee and this corresponding fee will be deducted from your merchandise refund. Returns must be sent back in a reasonable amount of time following your return approval. furMe™ reserves the right to deny any returns or refunds. Returns sent to our facility without prior notice cannot be accepted.
You can always contact us for any return questions by sending us a message here.
Exceptions / non-returnable items
Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on Certified Refurbished, clearance items or gift cards.
If you are experiencing an issue with your unit or accessories, please check our troubleshooting guide to either solve this issue or open a ticket for warranty support: