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Where are the filters on my furMe?Updated 6 months ago

Original FM-01 Model furMe

The filters are pre-installed on your Original FM-01 machine when you unbox. There is a black filter to catch larger debris on the lid of your collection container and there is a larger HEPA filter to capture fine dust and dander on the unit. These can be seen when you remove your collection container. They are easily rinsed clean between uses and can be replaced after heavy use. Your filter should be cleaned at least once a month. Take care to clean more regularly if your machine is used frequently. 

If you need to purchase any replacement filters or parts, you can purchase replacement parts here.

To replace the filters in your FM-01 Original model:

HEPA filter:

This filter is fit on your machine. You can reveal it by removing the collection container. 

  1. Unplug your machine from electrical power.
  2. Remove the collection container from your machine and remove your filter and replace with the new one.

Black sponge filter: 

This filter rests on the outside of your collection container's metal lid.

  1. Unplug your machine from electrical power.
  2. Remove the collection container from your machine and remove your black sponge filter from the container and replace with a new one.

To see instructions on how to clean your filters, click here. 

Professional PLUS FM-02 Model furMe

The filters are pre-installed on your Pro PLUS FM-02 machine when you unbox. There is a black filter to catch larger debris on the lid of your collection container and there is a larger HEPA filter to capture fine dust and dander on the unit. These can be seen when you remove your collection container. They are easily rinsed clean between uses and can be replaced after heavy use. Your filter should be cleaned at least once a month. Take care to clean more regularly if your machine is used frequently. 

If you need to purchase any replacement filters or parts, you can purchase replacement parts here.

To Replace Your HEPA filter:

This filter is fit on your machine. You can reveal it by removing the collection container. 

  1. Unplug your machine from electrical power.
  2. Remove the collection container from your machine and remove your filter and replace with a new one.


To Replace Your Black sponge filter: 

Your collection container lid is a metal filter that is fit with a sponge filter.

  1. Unplug your machine from electrical power.
  2. Remove the collection container from your machine and remove your black sponge filter from the container and replace with a new one.


To see instructions on how to clean your filters, click here

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