How do I replace the Blades on my AirClipper?Updated 6 months ago
If the Clipper blade or the guards are popping off during use, you may need to brush out your pet's coat prior to clipping. The clippers shouldn't pull or tug on your pet's coat at any point. Take care to clean out and oil your clipper blades after every session.
You can read more about blade maintenance here.
Looking for replacement blades? You can purchase those here.
Here are instructions on how to replace your clipper blades:
To pop the blade out from the AirClipper, retract the adjustable blade setting to the lowest position (the black slider) and remove the clear suction extender that snaps on and off. To remove the blade, hold the AirClipper with the furMe logo facing you. Using one or both thumbs, press firmly on the top of the blade to release it from the AirClipper.
To put the blade back on your AirClipper, hold the AirClipper with the furMe logo facing away from you. Anchor the base of the blade into the clipper by placing the small tab protruding out of the base of the blade into the slot opening of the clippers. With that tab in place, then press the top part of the blade into the clipper with a little bit of force using your thumb. It should snap right in.